How is it fall?!

I have no idea where the summer went. Honestly, it’s been a bit of a blur. July passed in a visit with our penpals (they came all the way from France!) and doing all the tourist-y things we never get around to doing. (We skipped the CN Tower and the baseball game, but we hit up the aquarium, the zoo, and the mall.)

August involved going to our beloved auntie’s cottage, getting ready for back-to-school and generally having fun at home. Ice cream was made! Fake (gluten-free) versions of snack-cakes were made! Books were read, I promise.

And a friend of mine and I self-published a book! Which I will review soon!

Also, I read A Wee Boo at the CNE. Which was an experience! So that’s pretty much the summer. I have no idea how eight weeks flew by so quickly, but…the kids are back to school in six days. Which is…insane.

The goal this school year is to review more books! I also want to expand my terrible picture book collection. Luckily, the U of T book fair appears to be on in October and it is always an excellent source for terrible picture books and terribly awesome old cookbooks. So here’s to a successful academic year for the kids and a productive year for your favourite (?) kid lit reviewer!

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